The Ascended Masters’ Instruction on the “Mighty I AM Presence” and the Law of Life
Each DVD is a complete Class by the Appointed Messengers Anne and Gerald Craig, with an Opening Blessing, the Call for the “Crystal Cup,” the Blessing of the Sacred Fire (Candle Service), Beloved Godfré’s Invocation and Benediction, several Talks by Anne and Gerald Craig, Decrees, Songs, and Contemplation Music by Frederick Landwehr.
Talk 1 — Gerald Craig
Visualization during the Crystal Cup and Candle Services sets the Sacred Fire into action. We are meant to expand the Beauty and Joy of Light to the Glory of God. We must decree against certain forces; but in these Classes you are singing your way to Freedom.
Songs: “Song of the Violet Flame”; “Leto, Blessed Leto”
Talk 2 — Anne Craig
Send your love to an Ascended Master and say, “Teach me about Yourself.” Balance your Call for the Light by the use of the Violet Flame with enough determination to dissolve deep-rooted habits of criticism and hate.
Decrees: Violet Flame
Decrees: Violet Flaming Christ
Talk 3 — Gerald Craig
The Elohim Flame is like a crown within which the Light Ray comes down and anchors within the Heart. The Divine Plan of Life is a simple, natural unfoldment. Nada’s Letter on Service is an unfailing guidance for your life.