The Ascended Masters’ Instruction on the “Mighty I AM Presence” and the Law of Life
Each DVD is a complete Class by the Appointed Messengers Anne and Gerald Craig, with an Opening Blessing, the Call for the “Crystal Cup,” the Blessing of the Sacred Fire (Candle Service), Beloved Godfré’s Invocation and Benediction, several Talks by Anne and Gerald Craig, Decrees, Songs, and Contemplation Music by Frederick Landwehr.
alk 1 — Gerald Craig
You are the instrument through which you receive that which the “Presence” has to give—all you have to do is send your love and attention to this “Presence.” It is just as easy as turning on the radio.
Song: “Angels of Saint Germain”
Talk 2 — Anne Craig
Each heartbeat comes from the “Presence,” which came from the Great Central Sun, the Godhead. The Violet Consuming Flame, as It consumes the discord, awakens God Qualities and leaves the Harmony of your own “Presence” in your world. Picture your Decrees.
Decrees: Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame
Song: “Song of the Violet Flame”
Talk 3 — Gerald Craig
Beloved Saint Germain is the Angel Deva of the Violet Consuming Flame. The Violet Flame is the Pure Divine Love of God’s Heart consciously sent forth to raise the attunement of the energy through which It passes, and It brings that energy into an ordered condition, an ordered service.