The Ascended Masters’ Instruction on the “Mighty I AM Presence” and the Law of Life
Each DVD is a complete Class by the Appointed Messengers Anne and Gerald Craig, with an Opening Blessing, the Call for the “Crystal Cup,” the Blessing of the Sacred Fire (Candle Service), Beloved Godfré’s Invocation and Benediction, several Talks by Anne and Gerald Craig, Decrees, Songs, and Contemplation Music by Frederick Landwehr.
Talk 1 — Gerald Craig
Say, “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ I place this in Your Hands!” This eliminates the outer push to do something through sheer determination—no matter what. But don’t wait until you’re desperate—ask the “Presence” in the beginning.
Song: “I AM COME”
Talk 2 — Anne Craig
Under the New Dispensation individuals can be given the Ascension while outside of the Retreats through enough use of the Violet Consuming Flame, and through service to all mankind by making the Calls for them.
Decrees: The Cosmic Victory of the Cosmic Christ
Song: “Lotus, My Love”
Talk 3 — Gerald Craig
Make the best use of your remaining years in this world—walk in the Light while the Light is with you. Never fail to give recognition and thanks for even the tiniest bit of Light that comes to you. Don’t take for granted anything that is done for you.