The Ascended Masters’ Instruction on the “Mighty I AM Presence” and the Law of Life
Each DVD is a complete Class by the Appointed Messengers Anne and Gerald Craig, with an Opening Blessing, the Call for the “Crystal Cup,” the Blessing of the Sacred Fire (Candle Service), Beloved Godfré’s Invocation and Benediction, several Talks by Anne and Gerald Craig, Decrees, Songs, and Contemplation Music by Frederick Landwehr.
Talk 1 — Gerald Craig
The sign of a true Child of the Light is that you always feel you’re just beginning. Your love given to Beloved Saint Germain permits Him to come back to you, and that union can never be severed and only requires your continuing love to Him.
Songs: “Call to Light”; “Angels of Saint Germain”; “ ‘I AM’ COME!”
Talk 2 — Anne Craig
There is no death,; that which seems to be so is but a change of garments, for Life is Eternal. When you use Beloved Jesus’ Statements of the “I AM,” you open the Door for the Limitless Outpouring from the “Presence” and the Great Heart of Creation.
Decrees: Beloved Jesus’ Statements
Song: “The Ascension”
Talk 3 — Gerald Craig
When we move in the Light of our “Presence,” Its Light dissolves the shadows about us. Imprint the Chart onto your consciousness. Use it daily to chart your course!