This Booklet contains Excerpts on the Violet Consuming Flame from Dictations by the Ascended Masters whose Names begin with H–K, continuing the alphabetical series begun with Violet Flame Series Nine (A-C), Ten (C-E), and Eleven (F-G). This will assist those who have requested Readings on the Violet Flame by a particular Ascended Master.
Violet Flame Series Twelve includes Excerpts by the Ambassador of Beloved Helios, Mighty Elohim Hercules, Beloved Hope, the Master Jesus, and Beloved K-17.
“Only the Violet Consuming Flame will release you harmoniously from associations, past and present, in which you have experienced discord; and that is why it is such a Mercy to Life. That’s why it is such a Blessing. That is why it is such Love—when It enables the feeling of the outer self to let go of everything that has caused distress.”
Beloved Goddess of Light, Compact Disc 00938