The Ascended Masters’ Instruction on the “Mighty I AM Presence” and the Law of Life
This DVD is a complete Class by the Appointed Messengers Anne and Gerald Craig, with an Opening Blessing, the Call for the “Crystal Cup,” the Blessing of the Sacred Fire (Candle Service), Beloved Godfré’s Invocation and Benediction, several Talks by Anne and Gerald Craig, Decrees, Songs, and Contemplation Music by Frederick Landwehr.
Talk 1 — Gerald Craig
Finding the Light is just the beginning as we climb the mountains of Light to transcendent heights. The Ascended Masters are our expert guides. With our Calls to the “Presence” and Ascended Masters, changes in our worlds will come about without suffering.
Song: “Call to Light”
Talk 2 — Anne Craig
When you say, “The Cosmic Love of the Cosmic Christ blazes through,” that expanding Perfection comes through your Life Stream and intensifies the Flame in your Heart, bringing you every God Quality that the Light contains.
Decrees: The Cosmic Light of the Cosmic Christ
Song: “Light of My Heart”
Talk 3 — Gerald Craig
The great training in the Light is to remember who you really are. We have to strive, but there is no need to struggle as long as we are aware of ourselves as this “Presence” and use the Violet Flame.