Mr. Ballard's Talks
Guy W. Ballard, the Accredited Messenger of the Ascended Master, Saint Germain was the Open Door through whom this great Light could be given to mankind to set us all free in the Victory of the Light. To Him we give all Glory and Honor!
The Accredited Messenger of Beloved Saint Germain, Mr. Ballard gave these talks on the Law of Life before large audiences, covering various subjects. Patriotism; Washington’s Vision; Harmony in the Feelings; There Is No Death; Acceptance of Victory; and Health and Supply.
This Series of Talks now on Compact Disc are highlights of the Instruction given by Mr. Ballard in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles from 1935-1939. The Talks cover various subjects: American Patriots, Explanation of the Chart, Harmony, Energy, the Need for today.